Types of Towbar
Fixed Flange

A 50mm towball is bolted to a two or four hole plate that also allows the fitting of accessories such as a towbar mounted cycle carrier.
Tow and carry cycles at the same time
Bumper shields can be fitted
On some towbars the towing height can be adjusted on the four-hole plate
A choice of towing couplings and accessories can be fitted
Verticle Detachable Swan Neck

Similar in appearance to the swan neck design with the added advantage of being removable when not in use.
Towball is removed when not in use to ensure maximum invisibility
Unrestricted access to the boot
Compatible with AL-KO and other friction type stabilisers
Won't trigger reversing sensors when not towing
The video below shows Tow Trust's detachable mechanism
Fixed Swan Neck

Neater in appearance than the flange type but not as versatile. Cycle carriers are available for this type of bar but you cannot tow at the same time.
Compatible with AL-KO stabilisers
Less likely to trigger reversing sensors than a flange type
Adjustable Height

These towbars are available for a range of commercial vehicles which allow greater versatility for towing different trailers with varying hitch heights.
Horizontal Detachable Swan Neck

Depending on the design of towbar, sometimes a horizontal detachable is fitted rather than a verticle detachable. Similar in appearance to the swan neck design with the added advantage of being removable when not in use.
Towball is removed when not in use to ensure maximum invisibility
Unrestricted access to the boot
Compatible with AL-KO and other friction type stabilisers
Won't trigger reversing sensors when not towing